
The Xcaper filter & mask will protect you from deadly gases & smoke inhalation and will allow you to work under hazardous conditions

  • Structural Overhaul
  • Wildland Fires
  • Arson Investigations
  • Police
  • Swat
  • EMT

On behalf of the Officers and Staff of the Moffat Volunteer Fire Department, I wish to commend  you and your Xcaper Industries for the quality of your Xcaper Filters. 2 years ago, we purchased and issued Manta 30 masks and Xcaper filters for all personnel. Since that time, not a single case of respiratory difficulty has been reported while using the Xcaper system.

-  HAL R. PAGEL - Fire Chief




The following individuals advise Xcaper on the development and application of our products.

 James. D. Lee, P.E. – President, J.D. Lee and Associates

Mr. Lee is a graduate of the U.S Military Academy at West Point and a licensed professional chemical engineer. He is a former US Army Officer who commanded the 9th Infantry Division Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Company.He subsequently returned to West Point as an Assistant Professor. He now runs his own corporate anti-terrorism and emergency preparedness consulting firm based in New York City and consults to such companies as Lehman Brothers and AIG on corporate security and anti-terrorism and various government agencies on Homeland Security Techniques and Weapons of Mass Destruction.  

 JC Colorado – President, Fire Innovations, Inc. & Firefighter, Petaluma Fire Department

JC Colorado has over 20 years experience as a firefighter and paramedic.  In 1998, Mr. Colorado witnessed firsthand a firefighter who was forced by rushing flames to jump from a three story building.  Fortunately, the firefighter survived, but with severe lasting injuries.  Utilizing his background in rock climbing, sailing and firefighting he developed his first invention the Colorado Harness.  After patenting it, he set out to market this product, which evolved into the creation of Fire Innovations, Inc. in February 2000.  Fire Innovations has since introduced many high quality, multi-functional and innovative products that firefighters can use to make their job safer and more efficient.

 Paul Hashagen – Firefighter, Rescue Company #1, FDNY (retired)

Mr. Hashagen joined the fire service in 1976 and recently retired from the FDNY after 25 years. He was assigned to FDNY Rescue Company 1 in 1983 where he spent the next 20 years and was decorated for heroism on numerous occasions. He was a member of the FEMA USAR Rescue Team (New York Task Force 1). Mr. Hashagen was a lead instructor at the FDNY Technical Rescue School for ten years and has also taught at the FDNY Probationary Firefighters School. He has lectured and conducted hands-on training across the country.  Additionally, Mr. Hashagen has authored numerous books on the fire service and appears regularly on the History Channel.  He is also featured in the feature film Brotherhood: Life in the FDNY, which gives and intimate glimpse into the FDNY.

Riley N. Kinman, Ph.D., P.E. – President, RNK Environmental, Inc.

Dr. Kinman holds a Ph.D. in Water Chemistry from the University of Florida.  He is an expert in the area of water quality and environmental health and safety.  Dr. Kinman’s firm, RNK Environmental, has performed numerous laboratory tests on the Xcaper smoke filter.  Dr. Kinman is also a professor emeritus at the University of Cincinnati.

Karim Damji, Ph.D. – President, Loxax Environmental, Inc.

Dr. Damji holds a doctorate in Chemistry and Toxicology from the University of Southern California.  He currently is President of Loxax Environmental, a consulting firm specializing in providing scientific and technical expertise with advanced data management to manufacturing companies, major oil companies, and law involved in toxic tort litigation.  Dr. Damji is advising Xcaper on new advanced product development.




Be prepared for any type of emergency or natural disaster – Protect your lungs and life with the Xcaper Emergency Mask. This simple to use filter mask will help you survive

  • High Rise Building
  • Work Environment
  • Medical Building
  • Subway
  • Train
  • House
  • Boat
  • Cruises
  • Campus or Dormitory
  • Wildland Fires
  • Hyper Sensitivity Protection
  • Radioactive Particles Filtration
  • Airplane
  • 5 Year shelf life, last for hours. One size fits all and easy to use and store.
  • Same technology that the professional firefighters and police man use!